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Grand Slamový Drtič - High Scores
Přidáno dne: Aug 19, 2008
Celkem odehráno her: 3317x
Popis hry: Vítejte na baseballovém Big League žvýkacím stylu! Chytni, roztrhej a zabal Velkou žvýkací ligu, zatímco běžíš na mety.
Instrukce pro hru: Score a GRAND SLAM by catching 4 pieces of gum in your Shredder Machine.
Hint: to get extra points don`t eject them until you have them all. Watch out for special power-ups like SPEED BONUSES and extra LIVES.
Arrow Keys = Move the Shredder Machine around the field to catch the chunk of gum.
Spacebar = Eject the shredded gum into a Catcher Pouch.