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Super Flash Mario Bros 2

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19. srpna 2008 8264x 2.41 Mb Akční

Remake originálu hry Super Mario Bros.

(24 hlasů/59%)

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Kráčej skrz lesy a hrady, sekej mnichy svou sekerou.
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d9nL6GLMX1ir - Pátek 1. srpna 2014 19:43

Xiao Bai really did say 'ouch'? LOL! Oopss sorry just to lteihgn you up. Pity you.. i know how you feel. Last time I brought my cat twice to vet, soo expensive. Remember I told you about the medication (minyak Gamat from langkawi) it solve all the problem

0tr6A6eL - Úterý 29. července 2014 17:07

Now, that's a nice photo, Rune. It's got texture cotnarsts, good color, and it is SIMPLE. That's one things people forget as they learn more and advance: keep the composition simple; reduce, reduce, reduce until the whole is stripped to it's essence.I'm o

Vaše jméno ;) :) :D :( :o >-( B-) oops :-[] :-P
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