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19. srpna 2008 8237x 15.38 Kb Highscores

Opravdový test mentální čilosti. Sledujte světelné obrazce a zvuky co možná nejdéle a zapamatujte si je.

Follow the pattern. Click the light pattern with the mouse.

(24 hlasů/59%)

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Živá válka
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HighscoresHRÁT4103x42.74 Kb
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dojeďte s autem co nejdál bez nehod
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Rollercoaster Roundup
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Pomoz Bobovi zastavit psy před odchodem z parku.
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DlElzG18gaU - Pátek 1. srpna 2014 20:25

What a wonderful iairipntson, Lynne! I immediately took another look at how I present myself, and my products and services, on my blogs. Simon Sinek's talk provides focus and clarity for what I have been struggling to articulate. This TED video is now

ebGSjRkU - Středa 30. července 2014 12:04

John, I've wondered for a while what you think of the Yellow Submarine film?Based on some of your poerivus posts about colour theory, do you think it's too garish?It was my introduction to the band, and made me a fan of them for life, so I'm quite fond of

Vaše jméno ;) :) :D :( :o >-( B-) oops :-[] :-P
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