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10 nejlepších výsledků - Prohlédnout
# Hráč Skóre Datum
1 zuma 13 04/01/2009 @ 12:13:31

19. srpna 2008 3455x 187.86 Kb Highscores

Provázej svého žlutého psíka dolů hracím polem, sbírajíce mince, perly, drahokamy atd .

The rate of descent can even be altered with the up arrow symbols (rate slows) and the down arrow symbols (rate increases). There is an invincibility symbol that basically grants your PelPet one additional "life". And an eye symbol that projects your PelPet's path down several levels ahead of you to help you see where you're headed. Watch out for other colored PelPets that work their way up the structure. Coming into contact with any other PelPet will end your game. Arrow Keys

(14 hlasů/59%)

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