FAIL (the browser should render some flash content, not this).
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Panik: Chocoland

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10 nejlepších výsledků - Prohlédnout
# Hráč Skóre Datum
1 Bafusa 166500 02/05/2009 @ 12:39:54
2 zuma 123800 04/01/2009 @ 12:25:42
3 Tyna11 95000 30/04/2009 @ 17:41:12

19. srpna 2008 7240x 420.69 Kb Highscores

Ďábelský červený kluk převzal čokoládovou továrnu.

Help Panik collect all the bombs. LEFT/RIGHT Arrow Keys = Run/Fly Left or Right Spacebar = Jump

(31 hlasů/59%)

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Cat Vacuum
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házejte kočky do vakua
HighscoresHRÁT4874x153.9 Kb
Pozdrav Mary
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Je to všechno na Vás, abyste skóroval vítězným dotykem.
HighscoresHRÁT3105x740.28 Kb
Zničte mír
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Ničte všechno.
HighscoresHRÁT3324x655.67 Kb
8AJKd7gzN2 - Středa 6. srpna 2014 0:01

Its not up to Adobe to block autostart of audio/video, that is a feutrae browsers could possibly built in and in fact most legitimate ad networks require to in order to run your banner. The point about advertisements is a good one though, immersive ad cam

Z7R6Z1Yhdh0y - Středa 30. července 2014 0:40

It's so true I'm glad you posted this! Insurance is alawys overlooked, especially by those blessed with good health and prosperity. Whereas in the current economic downturn, people may see the effects of losing finances, nobody ever thinks about the fa

Vaše jméno ;) :) :D :( :o >-( B-) oops :-[] :-P
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