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Cíl Země

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19. srpna 2008 5223x 50.95 Kb Highscores

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Use your spacecraft to retrieve as many human Survivors as possible. Points are rewarded depending on which landing pad you choose. Arrow Keys Left/Right = Navigate Ship. Arrow Key Up = Thruster. Space Bar When Returning = Fire Laser

(18 hlasů/61%)

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Garfield Pong
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HighscoresHRÁT3342x603.91 Kb
The Dukes of Hazzard Hold `...
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Hrej poker s Jessicou Simpson alias Daisy Duke. Když dojdou peníze změň na jiný typ odměny.
HighscoresHRÁT3259x974.81 Kb
Zabij Tweety
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Zabij tu obtěžující bestii.
HighscoresHRÁT3231x910.02 Kb
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