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Breakout by 2dplay

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# Hráč Skóre Datum
1 Gallooz 1005 15/09/2009 @ 16:29:56

19. srpna 2008 24539x 11.84 Kb Highscores

pomozte osvobodit míček

Don't lose all your balls Mouse

(48 hlasů/61%)

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Střílejte po radarech a vyhýbejte se autům. Zůstaňte v bezpečné zóně, je těžké vrátit se na silnici.
HighscoresHRÁT6551x90.17 Kb
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HighscoresHRÁT3321x135.91 Kb
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trefujte ostatní míčem
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5MFw4PPJFifL - Pondělí 14. září 2015 17:15

In a question, smoeone answered that if we were able to travel the speed of light, then we could somehow achieve time travel. How would this happen? Also, how could we make time travel possible? Is there some formula to it? I think time travel is a really

Vaše jméno ;) :) :D :( :o >-( B-) oops :-[] :-P
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