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Babycal Throw

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19. srpna 2008 7322x 136.65 Kb Highscores

sejměte chodící a utíkající cíle by tossing bean-bags up in the air.

Hit one target as it is walking by will score 10 points. Hit more than one, and a combo bonus of 25 points per each additional target hit is scored. Hitting one target will send it running in the opposite direction from which it was walking. Hit it again, and it will again turn and run in the opposite direction, but it will now have a white glow around it. You have now earned an additional little person, and will earn another for each time you hit the target while it`s glowing white. There is a maximum of 100 additional power-ups you can earn in a game Mouse.

(46 hlasů/61%)

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