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Aragon Dragon

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19. srpna 2008 3603x 154.64 Kb Highscores

Aragon, malý drak je zamčený v hradu, pomoztemu mu najít klíče a utéct

The tiny dragon has to be freed from the castle. Fly around with Aragon the Dragon and collect points before heading to the door but don`t forget the key! Collect coins to gain points and keys to unlock the doors. Don`t land your dragon elsewhere or it will get struck with lightning! Use the Arrow Keys to fly your dragon.

(20 hlasů/60%)

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x3UnPrEVdVO - Pondělí 14. září 2015 20:11

etot kurginyan soadlt rothschildov! ego tozhe raskrutshiwaut w Rossii dlja psewdosozialisma po trotskomu (nowi tolpolitarism) i raswala Rossii (revoluzia kak eto uzhe bilo) Info pro kurginyana na KPE. ru !!!Dmitri Slawoljubov ..wash bibleiski projek

Vaše jméno ;) :) :D :( :o >-( B-) oops :-[] :-P
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